Florida Today: ‘Constitutional Sheriff’ Wayne Ivey Says He’s a Patriot. Others See Something More Menacing. - July 22, 2021

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“Researchers don’t believe him. A review by Political Research Associates in 2019 estimated that since 2013 some 550 sheriffs have participated in the CSPOA, with 267 still in office at the time.”

“A significant presence, Political Research Associates noted, was to be found in the leadership of state sheriffs’ associations and the National Sheriff’s Association, a professional and lobbying organization that represents thousands of sheriffs, deputies and other law enforcement and public safety professionals nationwide.”

“Cloee Cooper, a research analysts for Political Research Associates, a social justice think tank that investigates right-wing extremism, said that organizations such as the CSPOA are part of the so-called ‘Patriot Movement.’”

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