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Episode Resources
- The “Business-as-Usual” of Right-Wing Climate Realism by Ajay Singh Chaudhary, Political Research Associates, 2024.
- Cultural Memory, White Innocence, and United States Territory: The 2022 Urban Geography Plenary Lecture by Laura Pulido, Urban Geography, 2023.
- Distorting the Climate Crisis: Far Right Environmentalism with Alex Amend, Inform Your Resistance Podcast, 2023.
- Blood and Vanishing Topsoil American Ecofascism Past, Present, and in the Coming Climate Crisis by Alex Amend, Political Research Associates, 2020.
- From White Privilege to White Supremacy: An Illustrated Interview with Laura Pulido by Danya Al-Saleh & Heather Rosenfeld, Edge Effects, 2016.
- Wildfire Rumors and Denial in the Trump Era by Laura Pulido in Political Ecologies of the Far Right: Fanning the Flames, 2024.
- Environmental Deregulation, Spectacular Racism, and White Nationalism in the Trump Era by Laura Pulido, Tianna Bruno, Cristina Faiver-Serna, & Cassandra Galentinein Environmental Governance in a Populist/Authoritarian Era, 2020.
- Reimagining ‘Justice’ in Environmental Justice: Radical Ecologies, Decolonial Thought, and the Black Radical Tradition by Laura Pulido and Juan De Lara, Environment & Planning E: Nature & Space, 2018.
- Producers, Parasites, Patriots: Race and the New Right-Wing Politics of Precarity by Daniel Martinez HoSang & Joseph E. Lowndes, UMN Press, 2019.
- Living in Denial Climate Change, Emotions, and Everyday Life by Kari Marie Norgaard, MIT Press, 2011.