The dramatic rise of misogynist public discourse throughout and since the 2016 presidential campaign did not emerge overnight. PRA has tracked the maturation of several strands of conservative political and cultural strategy; the corresponding maturation of the anti-abortion movement and the wider Christian Right; as well as the practical and far reaching effects of electoral redistricting, redrawing the maps to facilitate control of more state governments by parties hostile to reproductive freedoms. Likewise, the mobilization of misogyny has facilitated the erosion of democratic institutions and civil and human rights protections, including rights to privacy, conscience, and to reproductive health and choice. However, we believe this moment presents an historic opportunity for the field to dramatically regroup around a new and different long game. In dangerous times, bold voices can prevail over the inherent conservatism of defensive thinking.

In this episode, Koki reads “Why Are Gen Z Girls Attracted to the Tradwife Lifestyle?” by Marielle Cooksey, the first in our new From the Archives series. From the Archives features those must read and, now, must listen to pieces from PRA’s more…

In this episode, Koki talks with Alex DiBranco, executive director of the Institute for Research on Male Supremacism. Alex breaks down for us: What is male supremacism? What is its relationship to other supremacist ideologies and movements? And how…

How Media and Academia Help Incels Rebrand

On July 13, 2019, in Utica, New York, 17-year-old Bianca Devins was murdered. Her alleged killer, a 21-year-old man named Brandon Clark, was charged with second-degree murder after he posted a photo of her body and nearly decapitated head on Discord…

Author Q&A with Seyward Darby

After a pro-Trump mob attacked the U.S. Capitol on January 6, journalist and author Seyward Darby pointed out that women—and White nationalist women specifically—played a key role behind the scenes. Like much of “women’s labor,” Darby…

COVID-19 Opportunism and Betsy DeVos’s Education Agenda

Since her deeply contested confirmation hearings, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos has been criticized for incompetence and ignorance regarding the public education system. But this lens obscures the extent to which DeVos’s decisions as secretary…

A Reckoning with Misogynist Terrorism on the 30th Anniversary of the Montreal Mass Shooting

On December 6, 1989, a 25-year-old man, Marc Lépine, killed 14 women and injured 10 more at the École Polytechnique engineering school in Montreal,…

A Roundtable on Gender and White Supremacy

In the early 1990s, when researcher and activist Loretta Ross was monitoring the White supremacist movement for the Center for Democratic Renewal, a national anti-Ku Klux Klan network, she realized that most fight-the-Right organizations were…

A Republican Party Street Gang

The Proud Boys became a national focus in October 2018 when independent journalist Sandi Bachom posted video of a violent confrontation in New York City.

Evangelical “purity” culture, roughly defined, is the belief that Christianity requires sexual abstinence before (heterosexual) marriage, especially for girls and women, and promises sexual fulfillment to those who save sex until marriage.

When the news broke on November 2, that a male shooter had killed two women at a yoga studio in Tallahassee, Florida, George Sodini immediately came to my mind.

From Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill to Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, the machine of right-wing politics has gone into high gear to defend prominent men from women’s accusations of sexual violence and harassment.

How the “War on Trafficking” Was Made to Unite the Left and Right

The prevailing narrative about “human trafficking” was shaped by a relatively small group of political influencers on the Right who had dreams of organizing Christian activists around winnable social issues.

Anita Hill and the Growth of Misogynist Ideology

Today, #MeToo, a Twitter hashtag now synonymous with the campaign to call attention to the widespread problem of sexual harassment and often name perpetrators, picks up on Hill’s legacy in bringing this issue into the national spotlight.

One Year After Charlottesville

Introduction The “Unite the Right” rally was designed, over months, to be the largest gathering of its kind in at least a decade, and was successful in bringing together disparate elements of the Far Right on August 12, 2017 in Charlottesville,…

Movement Misogyny Delivers Another Massacre

On April 24, minutes before Alek Minassian plowed his van into a busy pedestrian street in Toronto, killing 10 and wounding at least 13—predominantly women—the 25-year-old posted an explanation of sorts on Facebook: “Private (Recruit) Minassian…

In the year of the #MeToo movement, Women’s Marches took place in every state on January 20 and 21, drawing crowds of a little over a thousand to half a million. But, from Knoxville, Tennesee to Seattle, Washington, Far Right and White nationalist…

White Nationalism, Antisemitism, and Misogyny

The new wave of avowed White nationalists who have been energized by Donald Trump—most prominently the Alt Right—have held demonstrations across the United States, most famously in Charlottesville, Virginia in August 2017. Progressive activists have…

The most influential aspect of the rise of the Internet in the 1990s was the liberation of information from the constraints of the mainstream media—something expected to further democratize the globalized economy. After all, the more information…

Male supremacism, enshrined in the nation’s founding documents, is as fundamental to U.S. history as White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) nativism. The same patriarchal stance—combining race, religion, and nativism—fuels conservative Christian…

Effectively fighting mobilizations like those emboldened by Trump’s election requires accurately understanding their composition—one in which misogyny thrives alongside, and intertwined with, racism.

Matthew Lyons’s “Ctrl-Alt-Delete,” is a thorough survey of the origins of the alt-right, a look at its constituent parts and beliefs at the present time, as well as observations about how its future relationship with the Trump administration may…

The Criminalization of Black Women

Between 1990 and 2000, the number of people in U.S. prisons and jails increased from 292 per 100,000 to 481 per 100,000. But the number of women in prison rose even more sharply, doubling over the ten-year period.

While claiming to be a pacifist, Paul Elam has gloried in the idea of a judge who ruled against fathers being “doused with gasoline and set afire.” He opposes abortion (and, it seems, adoption and motherhood too) and wrote a Mother’s Day article…

An Interview with Dr. E.L. Kornegay Jr.

Kornegay was drawn to study the work of the writer James Baldwin (1924-1987) through a comment made by the founder of Black liberation theology, James H. Cone, who once said that Baldwin taught him how to write. Kornegay was intrigued: “That took me…

The nomination of a “traditional” woman—“She wears makeup. She is pretty. She is an evangelical Christian. She is anti-abortion. She is also White.”—to so high a position publicly unearthed the conflicting views on feminist identity buried within…

From the podium at the Christian Right’s Values Voter Summit in mid-September, National Review Institute’s Kate O’Beirne, 59, pronounced that the “selection of Sarah Palin [as the GOP vice presidential nominee] sounded the death knell of modern…

The Anti-Feminist Women’s Movement

The contemporary women’s movement has been a profound agent for change in the social, political, economic, and cultural life of the United States. Women have de­manded reforms to increase their legal and economic power, advocating a…