Barstool Sports, a Boston sports publication turned national sports multimedia company, has become a decentralized platform for the dissemination of misogynistic and racist attitudes.
The dramatic rise of misogynist public discourse throughout and since the 2016 presidential campaign did not emerge overnight. PRA has tracked the maturation of several strands of conservative political and cultural strategy; the corresponding maturation of the anti-abortion movement and the wider Christian Right; as well as the practical and far reaching effects of electoral redistricting, redrawing the maps to facilitate control of more state governments by parties hostile to reproductive freedoms. Likewise, the mobilization of misogyny has facilitated the erosion of democratic institutions and civil and human rights protections, including rights to privacy, conscience, and to reproductive health and choice. However, we believe this moment presents an historic opportunity for the field to dramatically regroup around a new and different long game. In dangerous times, bold voices can prevail over the inherent conservatism of defensive thinking.