Americans United: Uncovering Project Blitz: Fighting A Secret, Coordinated Legislative Strategy To Undermine Religious Freedom In The States

Thanks to an important discovery by longtime Americans United ally and veteran researcher of the Religious Right Fred Clarkson, we now know why. Fred shared the Project Blitz playbook: a 116-page guide for state legislators published by the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation (CPCF), WallBuilders and other evangelical Christian political groups. CPCF is so closely entwined with state legislators that they organize “prayer caucuses” in many statehouses – with, for example, 65 public officials on board in Iowa and 28 in Tennessee. The playbook includes 20 model bills and a variety of strategies state legislators could use to pass them. And of those 20 model bills, “In God We Trust” bills are the first ones on their list.

Read here.