Background Briefing: A Theocrat and Dominionist Could Tie Up the US Senate; Could the Alabama Democrat Beat Roy Moore?

We begin with the U.S. Senate primary election in Alabama that resulted in Judge Roy Moore emerging as the Republican candidate, which raises the possibility an avowed theocrat and Christian dominionist could end up in the United States Senate and grind an already dysfunctional body to a halt, holding up bills and nominees if they do not pass muster with God who is apparently on speaking terms with Roy Moore. Frederick Clarkson, a Senior Fellow at Political Research Associates and the author of “Eternal Hostility: The Struggle Between Theocracy and Democracy” joins us to discuss Judge Roy Moore’s belief that 9/11 was America’s punishment for Godlessness and how he has defied the constitutional separation of Church and State and the Supreme Court while claiming that Obama is a secret Muslim and parts of the U.S. are under Sharia Law.

Listen here.