The Hindutva-MAGA Alliance
“Such hand-wringing, of course, conveniently obscures the fact that it was this same Hindu supremacist ecosystem that embraced the MAGA agenda in the first place, downplaying its extremism through whitewashing and false equivalencies and normalizing its divisive politics among Hindu Americans. The fact that the Hindu right is twisting itself into knots trying to backtrack on this alignment exposes the contradictions at the heart of the Hindutva-MAGA coalition. It also raises key strategic questions for progressive South Asians in the diaspora, Hindu and non-Hindu alike. In light of all the complexities and contradictions of this moment, how can we most effectively push back against the Hindu right’s efforts to drive a wedge between communities of color and embolden a growing multiracial far right, while simultaneously ensuring that this movement is not able to get away with claiming a “middle-ground” position?”