How Many Trad Wives Spread Christian Nationalism and Helped Elect Donald Trump
“What, exactly, fundamentalists believe can be hard to pin down, and it often varies from family to family. In general, they believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible, and when extended to politics (as it often has been), they frequently believe that the United States is an inherently Christian nation, and should be governed as such — an idea called Christian Nationalism. Fundamentalist patriarchy is religiously driven and is now a part of or has influence in every branch of government. Some — including some people in our government — believe [] in or are associated with Dominionist theology, which teaches that Christians should have global control. To achieve it, they need the population count (white Christians in particular), power (military and leadership), and fuel (workers to capitalize and spread the message). According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, Dominionism has been a ‘driver of antigovernment extremism in the United States.’”