I read the entire Project 2025. Here are the top 10 ways it would harm Black America

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“Officially, Donald Trump has nothing to do with the 900-plus page ‘mandate for leadership’ known as Project 2025. Technically, the “Conservative Promise” is the brainchild of the Heritage Foundation, a 50-year-old think tank known for engineering bright ideas like the enduring myth of ‘welfare queens,’[politicalresearch.org] Reagan’s CIA crack cocaine project, and George H.W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq. But the Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts is a pro-Trump culture warrior whose only goal is ‘institutionalizing Trumpism.’ To achieve his objective, he assembled policymakers and MAGA extremists from the first Trump administration. The advisory board is comprised of right-wing organizations like the anti-LGBTQ Family Research Council, the ‘anti-woke’ 1792 Exchange and Liberty University, ‘the most conservative college in America.’”

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