Salon: The Very Real Efforts to Create an American Theocracy in Plain Sight
Salon praises the new report from PRA senior fellow Frederick Clarkson, When Exemption is the Rule: The Religious Freedom Strategy of the Christian Right, saying the report “highlights a key aspect of the religious right’s long-term strategy, taking the time-honored principle of religious exemption, intended to protect the individual right of conscience, and expanding it recklessly to apply to whole institutions, even for-profit businesses—as seen in the Supreme Court’s 2014 Hobby Lobby decision, in a process designed to fragment the common public sphere and carve out vast segments of American life where civil rights, labor law and other core protections simply do not apply…This report represents a significant beacon, shedding light on that strategy, the battlefield it’s waged on, and the kinds of long-term responses needed to counter-organize against it.”