SPLC Hatewatch: Christina Hoff Sommers can't take a single line of criticism

The claim made in the SPLC profile is narrower than Sommers’ reformulation. Sommers has written a book on the “war against boys” and has insisted that reported rates of rape and sexual abuse are exaggerated. These arguments undeniably “overlap” with MRA concerns. As Alex DiBranco at Political Research Associates points out, “claiming rampant false accusations of rape and violence is one of the most prevalent men’s rights and equity feminist talking points.” And further: “Equity feminism’s depiction of women as liars with ‘victim mentalities’ dovetails alarmingly with (and legitimizes) the online manifestation of the men’s rights movement, which uses more virulent and hateful rhetoric to convey the same argument.” The only label the SPLC gave Sommers, “equity feminist,” is one she embraces.

Read here.