Koki is joined by Aidan Orly, one of a handful of U.S.-based researchers writing and speaking about Christian Zionism: the right-wing domestic and international movements that use a Christian biblical interpretation to promote and endorse Jewish…

A Roundtable on Confronting Christian Zionism

Aidan Orly: We gather this evening in the midst of ongoing and increased assaults on Palestinians around the globe. This is a very raw moment on the heels of the murder of Shireen Abu Akleh, a Palestinian journalist with Al Jazeera, and the…

Over the past several weeks, the world has witnessed Palestinians continuing to resist forced displacement, apartheid and brutal military occupation. There have been outcries around the world calling for solidarity and to hold the Israeli government…

Christian Zionism, Christian Nationalism, and the Threat to Democracy

I first encountered Christian Zionism—political support for the modern State of Israel grounded in beliefs about its prophetic significance in End Times scenarios—in 1992, while working as a fight-the-Right researcher in Portland, Oregon. A big part…

The majority of pro-Israel Americans aren’t Jewish. In fact, many of them could even be described as anti-Jewish.

The duplicity of those on the Right known for loudly declaring their love for Israel in an effort to inoculate their activism from charges of Christian supremacism has become increasingly transparent thanks to the RNC’s trip.

In late October, Holocaust survivor and Nobel Peace laureate Elie Wiesel spoke at a Christians United for Israel (CUFI) event hosted by the controversial Christian Zionist John Hagee at his Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas. Internationally…