Opposition to LGBTQ equality has long been both a fundamental value and useful political tool for many U.S. conservative organizations, especially those associated with the Christian Right. Even as visibility and mainstream acceptance of LGBTQ people grows, the Christian Right continues their ongoing “pro-family” campaign, which enforces heterosexuality, champions gender essentialism or “complementarity,” and prioritizes procreation.

While substantial progress has been made in terms of legal rights, political representation, and cultural approval, these advances have not uniformly served all members of the LGBTQ community. Though hailed as a great victory by some, federal marriage equality in the U.S. has done little to alter the day to day lived realities of LGBTQ people affected by economic exploitation, geopolitical turmoil, and other effects of Western imperialism. Additionally, anti-trans rhetoric and campaigning is on the rise, fueled by right-wing fear mongering and pseudoscience and backed by an extensive Christian Right legal and political infrastructure. 

How the Right Succeeded in Passing Proposition 8

On June 26, 2008, 1,000 ministers, mostly from evangelical congregations, met by conference call to discuss tactics for passing Proposition 8, a ballot initiative to ban same sex marriage in California by amending the state constitution.

Sex Education as Ideology

Abstinence only sex education is widely spread across the United States, pushed by friends in high places, and the Christian Right.

Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Education in U.S. Schools

The welfare reform law of 1996, premised on the unproven claim that poor women’s failure to marry is the cause of high rates of family poverty in the United States, promoted an abstinence-only-until-marriage policy that teaches that sex outside the…

The Erosion of U.S. Democracy

Introduction Right-wing leaders often appropriate progressive themes by calling for rule by “the people,” equal opportunity, and “equality” feminism. Their rhetoric has convinced many voters that the Right offers a more fair and direct form of…

Colorado's Right-Wing Attacks On Homosexuals

An eerie unease hangs in the air in Colorado. For lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals, nagging questions pervade everyday life: did the kindly person who just gave me her parking place vote for Amendment 2? Did my landlord vote for the amendment,…

Pride Becomes a Movement

Readers who want to defend and advance the gay and lesbian rights movement will find these three recent books particularly helpful. They document the conditions under which lesbians and gay men struggle for liberation. To read about those condi…