Displaying 701 - 720 of 1147 results
  • Claire Conner’s parents were early members of the John Birch Society (JBS), an aggressively right-wing organization that was founded in 1958 by Robert Welch. Wrapped in the Flag: A Personal History of America’s Radical Right (Boston: Beacon Press,…

  • Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX), headquartered in Fort Belvoir, VA, is a national nonprofit organization ostensibly advocating for the “ex-gay” community.

  • Every Friday, PRA brings you a monthly update on a different social justice issue. This week, we are recapping the last month in Racial and Immigrant Justice.

  • In the debates leading up to this current political moment, the LGBTQ community became a useful scapegoat for pro-Russia factions. Ukraine was the first post-Soviet country to decriminalize homosexuality following independence from the Soviet Union…

  • What African Sexual Minorities Can Learn from Tata Mandela

    Mandela’s vision extended to all those who continue to pursue long walks to freedom. Mandela championed the human rights of all people, whether Black, White, straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or intersex. He lived to see the day when…

  • Abortion, Male Victims, and Ultrasounds

    A gathering of the NRLC met for several days to strategize. In addition to the typical arguments against abortion, some newer ones were on the docket. Most significantly, the idea that a woman should be required to have an ultrasound before she is…

  • The emergence of the Tea Party and its de facto takeover of the GOP have been a shock to many mainstream pundits and politicos. The domination of Tea Party ideology is complete enough to have forced a partial government shutdown, raised the threat…

  • An Interview with David Cunningham

    David Cunningham became interested in the Ku Klux Klan while conducting research for his dissertation at the University of North Carolina. He originally focused on how the FBI dealt with the Civil Rights Movement, but his research led to a…

  • Race and Child Care in Mississippi

    Jean V. Hardisty challenges simplistic understandings of racism in her new report, Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Race and Child Care in Mississippi. Founder and president emerita of Political Research Associates, Hardisty analyzes how the…

  • From disaster relief, to helping fund the Special Olympics, the Knights of Columbus are in many cases a charitable force for good. Nevertheless, their massive and continued efforts against the rights of women and LGBTQ individuals far overcasts any…

  • Spencer Sunshine Interviews Walter Reeves

    In 1990, when I was a teenager, I met and began working with Walter Reeves and other members of Neighbors Network—an anti-Klan, anti-Nazi group based in Atlanta, GA. Reeves was its co-chair of education and outreach from 1989 until the group’s…

  • We pause this day to celebrate Nelson Mandela, “Madiba,” and to reflect on what his life and the South African freedom movement has to teach us. Inevitably, this involves reflecting on our own lives and our own social justice commitments.

  • Every Friday, PRA brings you a monthly update on a different social justice issue. This week, we are recapping the last month in Reproductive Justice. Cities in Maine and Pennsylvania Enact Buffer Zones around Abortion Clinics In two…

  • While the Far Right—White supremacists and neo-Nazis—had no issue with openly promoting “White rights,” the Right Wing attempted to remove themselves from bigoted attitudes and activities. The New Right Republicans of the time, if discovered making…

  • Hana’s death was the third confirmed case of an adopted child murdered by parents who followed the teachings of No Greater Joy Ministries (NGJ), founded by Christian fundamentalists Michael and Debi Pearl.

  • Every Friday, PRA brings you a monthly update on a different social justice issue. This week, we are recapping the last month in LGBTQ Justice. Ecuador’s “Gay Addiction” Clinics Continue Torturous Practices On November 7th, the Union…

  • The global North LGBTI and Human rights groups have heralded Zambia’s First Lady Christine Kaseba’s “positive” statement on homosexuality. But if you read her full remarks in context, there’s isn’t anything praiseworthy about it.

  • Two networks of conservative, state-level think tanks have matured rapidly over the past three decades. By crafting public policy, collaborating with Republican state legislators, and fostering new leadership for the Right, they have significantly…

  • Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) is a conservative youth activism organization that offers college students across the United States a variety of outlets for promoting Right-Wing ideology.

  • The JBS was a major force in the battle against the Civil Rights Movement, and has recently made a comeback, largely via the Tea Party movement and as part of the Ron Paul Revolution.