Displaying 861 - 880 of 1147 results
  • Yesterday, I and about 40 others crammed into the Springfield, MA, office of Arise for Social Justice, fresh from the first oral hearing of the lawsuit brought by Ugandan gay rights activists against Scott Lively–the notorious holocaust revisionist…

  • “I love the wharf, listening to jazz at Westminster Church, and playing basketball with other guys. I’m a transgender man and I’m part of DC.” If you’ve bussed around our nation’s capital in the past year, you may have seen this ad (left) displaying…

  • Iden Campbell McCollum is the founder of The Campbell Center, a peer-run resource center for people living with mental health challenges. The center serves the primarily low-income and African American community in Southeast Washington, D.C.…

  • Talking Tolerance, Marketing Inequality

    “Mom, guess what I learned in school today! I learned how a prince married a prince, and I can marry a princess!” Kids say the darndest things, don’t they? Over the past decade, the Right has drummed up fears that marriage equality will…

  • Looking back, what do you think PRA’s most memorable impact was?

  • If you’re a regular visitor to Political Research Associates’ website, you’ll notice we’ve done more than a little sprucing up around here. In fact, we’ve built a completely new site from the bottom up, so that visitors like you can more easily…

  • Before the November 2012 elections, 37 states had voted on statewide ballot measures seeking to restrict marriage equality in this country. Each time, voters in these states—family members, friends, neighbors, and co-workers of LGBTQ people—approved…

  • The first time many people concerned with LGBT rights learned about the Mormon Church’s anti-LGBT activism was in 2008, when it played a major role in winning passage of California’s Proposition 8, the ballot measure repealing same sex marriage in…

  • Political Research Associates condemns the criminalization of sexual minorities and calls on American and international religious and political leaders to denounce the reintroduction of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda, which reportedly passed…

  • On Friday, Andy Kroll at Mother Jones reported that Jay Sekulow and Jordan Sekulow, the father-son team leading the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) — high-profile social conservatives and advisers and supporters of Republican Presidential…

  • The 2012 election promises to be an intensely contested one, but one constituency seems guaranteed to vote for Barack Obama in large numbers: The LGBTQ community, especially given his endorsement of gay marriage.

  • Uniting social conservatives and libertarians under one banner is no easy task. But John Aglialoro, a producer of the film “Atlas Shrugged II,” has found the woman for the job: Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged author and literary inspiration for his “Atlas…

  • Inside the American Center for Law and Justice

    After his unsuccessful 1988 presidential bid mobilized Christian Right voters, televangelist Pat Robertson channeled his campaign’s energy into forming two influential right-wing organizations. One was the voter mobilization powerhouse the Christian…

  • Gay Marriage in the 2012 Election

    The political world was abuzz this spring when the National Organization for Marriage’s confidential battle plan to block LGBTQ marriage rights became public in a Maine lawsuit and the Human Rights Campaign posted it for the world to see.

  • Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, executive director of the Sacramento-based National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC) is regularly tapped by national media outlets like CNN and The New York Times as the leading voice of Latino evangelicals and…

  • Emerging anti-choice leader Ryan Bomberger took center stage mid-September at the Christian Right’s Values Voter Summit. Prior to walking on stage, Bomberger was introduced as an Emmy award-winning creative media professional, who was adopted by a…

  • In the Values Voter Summit exhibit hall, amongst the expected array of conservative propaganda — the latest evangelical and right-wing books; recruitment booths from conservative universities; and political and advocacy organizations with pamphlets…

  • Some of the most important leaders in the conservative movement were on a marriage equality panel at the recent Values Voters Summit. But likely few of the conference participants had even heard of the panelists or the Family Policy Council, the…

  • One of the stock characters in American public life is the political/religious convert who becomes the expert on the evil he once was. Pick your era or locality of evil, and you’ll find ’em. And while there are certainly authentic converts from…