Displaying 881 - 900 of 1147 results
  • This year’s Values Voters Summit will be a shock to all who have claimed that the Christian Right is dead or about to breathe its last. Several thousand registrants are jamming into the Omni Shoreham hotel in Washington, D.C. this weekend for the…

  • Thousands of potential campaign volunteers will throng the halls of the Christian Right’s Values Voter Summit in Washington D.C. tomorrow and Saturday — and Political Research Associates will be there too, blogging about how the Christian Right is…

  • “Race” as an idea barely existed before the Enlightenment and the onset of modernity in the West. Today, many dismiss the race-concept as an illusion, arguing that “there is no such thing as race;” or in more universalist terms, “there is only one…

  • This report documents the role of the right-wing American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) in state legislative bills to privatize vital public services, with the aim of helping activists fight back.

  • After the demoralizing passage of Proposition 8 overturned same sex marriage in California in 2008 , those with a national platform laid this defeat for LGBTQ rights at the feet of racial minority communities. Much of this chatter went uncontested,…

  • A Forum on the "Hate" Frame in Policy, Politics and Organizing

    This article excerpted from a Political Research Associates discussion paper, available online. In 1998, three White men in Jasper, Texas murdered James W. Byrd, Jr., an African-American man, dragging him for two miles along an asphalt road.

  • In June 1995, the economist Milton Friedman wrote an article for the Washington Post promoting the use of public education funds for private schools as a way to transfer the nation’s public school systems to the private sector. “Vouchers,” he wrote…

  • A Response to "Reconsidering Hate"

    The outrageous killings of James Byrd, Jr. and Matthew Shepard shine a light on the power of hatred fueled by racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of intolerance that are used to separate and divide us as human beings. Proponents of hate…

  • A Response to "Reconsidering Hate"

    At the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Economic Justice, our mission is to eliminate race and national-origin discrimination through litigation, and community and legislative advocacy. Despite our narrowly focused mission we are always…

  • A Response to "Reconsidering Hate"

    The dominant story about race in the United States goes like this: in the past, we had troubling racial patterns, including genocide, slavery, and segregation. Then heroic individuals took spontaneous action and showed America the error of its ways…

  • Intercepting the International Human Rights Agenda

    On a visit to Zambia in February 2012, the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called on African countries to stop treating LGBT people as less than human or as second class citizens. He explicitly asked Zambian lawmakers to stop…

  • Almost three years to the day since Kansas abortion provider and women’s rights advocate Dr. George Tiller was assassinated by an anti-choice activist, three reproductive health organizations have fallen victim to arson attacks. Two women’s health…

  • One Million Moms, an organizational arm of the American Family Association, has been involved in an epic battle against gay superheroes since May. In light of DC Comics’ recent announcement that the widely-beloved superhero Green Lantern is gay,…

  • Time magazine’s June 11 article “Does God Want You to Be Thin?” celebrates Rick Warren’s faith-based weight loss initiative, with barely a mention of the conservative evangelical pastor’s homophobic teachings. While the “Daniel Plan” and Rick Warren…

  • How the U.S. Christian Right Is Transforming Sexual Politics in Africa

    While U.S. Christian Right leaders made headlines when international pressure forced them to retract support for Uganda’s notorious Anti-Homosexuality Bill of 2009, a new report by Political Research Associates shows that U.S. Christian Right groups…

  • Today, Political Research Associates (PRA) released its new report, Colonizing African Values: How the U.S. Christian Right is Transforming Sexual Politics in Africa (pdf), which exposes the U.S. Christian Right’s growing infrastructure for…

  • A Forum on The “Hate” Frame in Policy, Politics, and Organizing

    From the killing of Matthew Shepard to the shooting of Trayvon Martin, horrific incidents of violence against members of marginalized communities galvanized the social justice movement to pursue measures to prevent such acts — including pushing for…

  • On the heels of President Barack Obama’s public statement favoring marriage equality, a new Political Research Associates (PRA) report indicates that homophobia remains one of the most successful right-wing tools for mobilizing electoral …

  • Organizing & Advocacy in a Time of Struggle

    Since 9/11, the New York Police Department’s Pre-Ramadan Conference and Breakfast has become one of the largest gatherings of Muslim leadership in New York City. Last July, I sat among a sea of suits and uniforms, colorful headscarves, turbans, and…

  • How the Tea Party Sustains the Anti-LGBT Right

    2011 was a frustrating year for the anti-LGBT Right. Despite millions of voters and many millions of dollars generated by a loose coalition of conservative forces to oppose LGBT rights, the LGBT rights movement has made tremendous progress. While…