Displaying 1021 - 1040 of 1147 results
  • The Christian Right Embraces Anti-Immigrant Politics

    If the September 2007 Values Voters Summit is anything to go by, the Christian Right is now nearly as worked up about illegal immigration as about abortion and same-sex marriage. At that political gathering—sponsored annually in Washington D.C. by…

  • How Immigrant Crackdowns Build the National Security State

    Most explanations of the relentless pursuit of undocumented immigrants since 9/11 view it as a response to the continuing pressures of angry, mostly white, citizens. The “anti-immigrant climate” created by civic groups like the Minutemen, politicos…

  • The Right-Wing Roots of Marriage Promotion

    After the 2000 presidential campaign, I felt a shock of recognition when I read that the George W. Bush Administration planned to use its “faith-based” funding to support organizations to encourage women, especially welfare recipients, to marry. The…

  • The same right-wing populist fears of a collectivist one-world government and new world order that fueled Cold War anticommunism, mobilized opposition to the Civil Rights Movement, and spawned the armed citizens militia movement in the 1990s, have…

  • To enter the world of Tom Fitton, President of the conservative, D.C.-based group, Judicial Watch, you’re going to need to forget the stories you’ve heard about hardworking immigrants being torn from their U.S.-born children and deported to their…

  • One of the most remarkable, and least remarked upon, features of the contemporary discussion of faith in public life is that a defining feature of the religious right worldview has filtered deeply into mainstream and even progressive thought. This…

  • Romance and marriage proposals are in the air on Valentine’s Day. Unfortunately, cupid isn’t the only matchmaker hard at work this season. An increasing number of low-income women find themselves pushed to the altar – not by their relations or…

  • BOSTON – This Valentine’s Day, an increasing number of low-income women find themselves pushed to the altar – not by their relations or suitors, but by the federal government. A new report by the think tank Political Research Associates and the…

  • BOSTON – A new report by the think tank Political Research Associates and the Women of Color Resource Center charges the George W. Bush Administration with politicizing and weakening federal anti-poverty polices by promoting conservative family…

  • Right Web Will Retain its Focus Analyzing Militarist Groups and Individuals.

  • On September 8, 2007 in Sydney, Australia, the antiglobalization movement mobilized once again against neoliberal economic policies, this time to oppose the APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) summit. Just as during the protests against the…

  • National Lawyers Guild board member Thomas Cincotta will lead Political Research Associates’ (PRA) eighteen-month nationwide investigation of the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) collaborations with local, state, national, and private…

  • The Rev. Jan Nunley, an Episcopal priest, journalist, and author, joined the staff of Political Research Associates on January 5 as director of communication and development.

  • In 2008, ballot initiatives could impact races up and down the ballot, including the Presidential campaign, by elevating an issue and shaping the debate. Dissatisfied voters in particular may see ballot initiatives as a means to fill the leadership…

  • Social Science Through a ‘Family Values’ Lens

    Dr. Jean V. Hardisty, founding director of Political Research Associates, exposes the questionable social science justifying George W. Bush’s campaign to promote marriage as a cure for poverty. Rightist academics and think tank researchers ignore…

  • The Right-Wing Roots of Marriage Promotion

    Pushed to the Altar tells the story of how a right-wing social movement took power in the Bush administration and installed unproven anti-poverty policies to fulfill ideological valorization of the two-parent, heterosexual family. The…

  • Think Tank Turns to Family Values

    The Heritage Foundation’s headquarters sits two blocks from the Capitol in Washington, D.C., a symbolic representation of its intimate access to Congress and public policymakers. Heritage’s rise to prominence has paralleled the rise to power of…

  • “Models of idealized family structure lie metaphorically at the heart of our politics,” writes linguist George Lakoff in his 2002 book Moral Politics. “Our beliefs about the family exert a powerful influence over our beliefs about what kind of…

  • Police Tactics Suppress Free Speech

    Three of the cops had jumped out of the white nondescript van and attacked me. They were all wearing ski masks and dressed as anarchist black bloc protesters. I threw up my hands and offered no resistance.

  • New Theme of Right to Life Committee

    They pledged to “Bring life to the heart of America and bring the heart of America to Life.” In 72 workshops, five plenaries, and three worship services, more than 500 members of the National Right to Life Committee gathered in Kansas City, Missouri…