Resisting Far-Right and Anti-immigrant Aligned County Sheriffs: Movements, Resources, and Tools for Action

PRA has tracked an increasing alliance between local law enforcement and far right, anti-immigrant and paramilitary forces. Well aware that organizers on the ground often encounter threats and intimidation from this alliance, we have compiled a variety of resources and tools for action to inform and inspire resistance.
Resistance Organizing
Black Youth Project 100: Reimagining Safety and Security in Our Communities
Coalition to End Sheriff Violence
Defund the Sheriff (the Album)
Mijente: The Role of Sheriffs in Abolishing ICE and Defunding Police
National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON)
North Carolina Statewide Police Accountability Network
Sheriffs for Trusting Communities
PRA Resources
Analysis of the Patriot Movement
Sheriffs, Far Right, Anti-Immigrant and Paramilitary forces
Up in Arms: A guide to Oregon’s Patriot Movement (with Rural Organizing Project)
Democratic Principles for Antidemocratic Times
Ground Rules and Tips for Challenging the Right
Police, Paramilitaries, and Protests for Racial Justice
Resources from the Field
Hidden in Plain Sight: Racism, White Supremacy and Far Right Militancy in Law Enforcement (Brennan Center)
Confronting the Demographics of Power: America’s Sheriff (Reflective Democracy Campaign)
Line in the Sand: A radical and growing organization of ‘constitutional sheriffs’ is promoting defiance of federal laws it doesn’t like (Southern Poverty Law Center)
Prosecute Killer Cops Database
The Power of Sheriffs series (The Appeal)
A Paranoid Militia Infiltrating Texas Police is Bent on Rebellion, “Ready to Rise Up” (Ft. Worth Star Telegram)
Extremist Cops: How US Law Enforcement is Failing to Police Itself (The Guardian)
Militia Activity and Other Armed Groups Present at Protests (Bridging Divides Initiative, Princeton)
Addressing the Rise of Unlawful Private Paramilitaries (Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection, Georgetown)
My Militia: An American Patriot Network (My Militia)
Tools for Action
Taking on Patriot Movement Talking Points
What to do When the Militia Comes to Town (PDF version, The American Jewish Committee)
How we Make Change is Changing, Part I: Open Source Campaigns for the 21st Century Part I, & Part II (Marisa Franco, B. Loewe, and Tania Unzueta)
How to Beat ICE in Your Hometown? Run for Sheriff (Pacific Standard Magazine)
Activist Who Helped Unseat Arpaio Has Advice on How to Fight Trump (Huffington Post)
North Carolina County Changes Immigration Policy by Voting to Oust its Sheriff (City Lab)
Immigrant Defense Project ICE Raids Toolkit
Mijente Community Defense Zone Guide
The Movement for Black Lives Organizing Resources/Downloads