Displaying 381 - 400 of 1136 results
  • Éste es un momento difícil para quienes creemos en la justicia y la democracia. Un hombre que llevó a cabo una campaña insurgente como un demagogo racista, xenófobo, misógino y anti-establecimiento es ahora el presidente electo de los Estados …

  • No one organization “controls” the Right. No single funder is “behind” the Right. Some large organizations are important, but many others appear to be more influential than they really are. Recognize that there are multiple networks of organizations…

  • The Right-Wing’s Blue State Game Plan

    In October, the Fiscal and Management Control Board overseeing MBTA, Boston’s public transit system, took quick action …

  • The U.S. Patriot Movement Today

    Judging from his recent statements, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump seems to be making plans for post-election violence if he’s defeated. At the beginning of August he warned, “I’m afraid the election’s going to be rigged.”1)…

  • Sometimes Patriot movement groups reach out to progressive activists in an attempt to recruit them to their cause. As you would expect, they typically downplay their reactionary social views and stress the more libertarian parts of their …

  • “Coordination” is a process which allows state, county, and other lower-level governments to give input to federal agencies’ land use plans, in an attempt to achieve consistency. While this process is mentioned in a number of federal acts, the Hard…

  • In June 2016, the Supreme Court struck down a Texas anti-abortion TRAP (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers) law that threatened to shutter all but a handful of the state’s clinics by requiring them to meet costly ambulatory surgical center…

  • Today Political Research Associates, a Massachusetts think tank that monitors right-wing movements, warned that the surprise acquittal yesterday of seven militia members on conspiracy and weapons charges in connection with their armed occupation of…

  • Responding to Patriot Movement claims on militias and gun rights, rural economics, the Constitution, public lands, and conspiracy theories.

  • Last week, about a hundred people gathered in Nairobi, Kenya, for the African Regional Conference of Families, a regional conference for the World Congress of Families (WCF). The WCF, a U.S.-based international coalition of Religious Right groups…

  • The Growing Anti-Trans Offensive

    In June 2014, TIME magazine declared that the U.S. had reached the “transgender tipping point” and was venturing toward trans inclusion as its next “civil rights frontier.” That month’s cover featured Laverne Cox, a Black transgender actress famous…

  • A Guide to Oregon’s Patriot Movement

    Video produced by the Resist.TV Collective highlighting the work of Political Research Associates and Rural Organizing Project. Up in Arms: A Guide to Oregon’s Patriot Movement is a groundbreaking report and toolkit designed to support…

  • Oregon Three Percenters are very active and seems to have eclipsed the Oath Keepers as the locus of Patriot movement organizing in the state.

  • Today Political Research Associates in partnership with Rural Organizing Project released Up in Arms: A Guide to Oregon’s Patriot Movement, a groundbreaking report and toolkit designed to support public officials and community activists under siege…

  • Oath Keepers chapters have been active in Oregon since the national organization was founded in 2009. However, most chapters seem to have been established since 2014 in the wake of the events at Bundy Ranch.

  • The Public Eye Artist in the News

    On September 15, hip-hop artist Jay Z and author and illustrator Molly Crabapple collaborated (along with dream hampton, Jim Batt, and Kim Boekbinder) on a short, animated video, “A History of the War on Drugs, from Prohibition to Gold Rush,” for…

  • Why It Matters in the Time of Trump

    This is, in some respects, a ghost story. A political ghost story in which the mythic, the symbolic, the demon archetype come to substitute for sustained engagement with ordinary human beings. Both major political parties love to tell scary stories…

  • Next week, the World Congress of Families (WCF) will host a regional conference in Nairobi, Kenya. For several years, PRA has tracked and reported on the WCF’s role in the U.S. Religious Right’s global export of homophobia and sexism, and the…

  • A Theocratic Movement Hiding in Plain Sight

    Dominionism is the theocratic idea that regardless of theological camp, means, or timetable, God has called conservative Christians to exercise dominion over society by taking control of political and cultural institutions.

  • In this current political moment of heightened anti-trans targeting, when school boards and legislatures across the country are debating whether or not transgender people should be allowed access to public facilities, one wedge of particular note…