Displaying 1 - 20 of 1147 results
  • The Assassination Attempt on Former President Donald J. Trump

    As federal law enforcement agencies investigate the apparent attempted assassination of presidential candidate Donald J. Trump during a campaign appearance Saturday in Butler County, Pennsylvania, PRA encourages our supporters to speak out against…

  • The political stakes are high for the oil and gas industry, which is desperate to preserve its dominance amid cascading environmental policy shifts, broadening support for the renewable energy revolution, and ever more visible, sensed, social, and…

  • Inform Your Resistance Season 2: Episode 10

    In this episode of Inform Your Resistance, Koki reads “The Spirit of January 6th” by Frederick Clarkson and André Gagné, the third in our new From the Archives series. From the Archives features those must read and, now, must listen to pieces from…

  • Carol Mason on Sentimentalism and Resentment

    Carol Mason talks with Mary Reynolds and PRA’s Annie Wilkinson about how her 2021 article “Sentimentalizing Resentment” still holds true—and the ways that the culture of sentimentalism and resentment on the Right has shifted in just the past three…

  • In this episode, Koki interviews Laura Pulido, Collins Chair and Professor of Indigenous, Race, and Ethnic Studies and Geography at the University of Oregon, who studies race, environmental justice, and cultural memory. They discuss the intersection…

  • A Q&A with Fearless Collective ambassador, Vicky Shahjehan on solidarity, and the role that art plays in activism.

  • This excerpt from Ajay Singh Chaudhary’s book, The Exhausted of the Earth, discusses the Right’s “climate realism” and who benefits from the extractive economic system that fuels climate change.

  • Inform Your Resistance Season 2: Episode 8

    In this episode, Koki sits down with Shane Burley to discuss some of the most peculiar, and—at times, most influential—corners of the Far Right, capturing a spectrum of White nationalist, misogynist organizing that spans the neopaganist Wolves of…

  • India’s Hindu Supremacist Movement and Its Role in the Transnational Far Right

    PRA’s newest partner, Savera: United Against Supremacy, reports on the violent, far-right Hindu supremacist movement behind Modi’s government.

  • How Russia Revives and Reverses U.S. Cold War Rhetoric

    In her commentary, Irina Smolevskaya scrutinizes Putin’s appeal to “traditional family values” as a reversal of U.S. Cold War containment rhetoric appealing to domestic and transnational conservatives alike.

  • Reframing the 21st Century Border Crisis Narrative

    Ethan Fauré discusses U.S. immigration politics and considers how two books, The Case for Open Borders and My Fourth Time We Drowned, challenge “border crisis” narratives.

  • Author Q&A with Lisa Wedeen and Joseph Masco

    PRA’s Annie Wilkinson interview authors Lisa Wedeen and Joseph Masco about their new book, Conspiracy / Theory, which asks its readers to critically consider the stigma around conspiracy theories and conspiratorial thinking in a world of growing…

  • Inform Your Resistance Season 2: Episode 7

    In this episode of Inform Your Resistance, Koki reads “Total Life Reform: The Real Consequences of the Far Right’s Self-Help Grift” by Shane Burley, the second in our new From the Archives series. From the Archives features those must read and, now…

  • Koki is joined by Aidan Orly, one of a handful of U.S.-based researchers writing and speaking about Christian Zionism: the right-wing domestic and international movements that use a Christian biblical interpretation to promote and endorse Jewish…

  • Christian Zionism comprises several authoritarian movements, and collectively forms the largest political base of support for Israel in U.S. Learn about the Who and What behind this influential movement.

  • In this episode, Koki reads “Why Are Gen Z Girls Attracted to the Tradwife Lifestyle?” by Marielle Cooksey, the first in our new From the Archives series. From the Archives features those must read and, now, must listen to pieces from PRA’s more…

  • Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) programs purport to prevent radicalization and violence by identifying and surveilling communities that are deemed at-risk. These programs, however, only reinforce discriminatory practices against vulnerable…

  • Inform Your Resistance Season 2: Episode 4

    Host Koki Mendis talks to Peter Montgomery about Project 2025 the Right’s playbook to remake the U.S. government as we currently know it toward authoritarianism. They discuss the architects of this plan, the people and movements who have signed on…

  • In this episode, Koki talks with Alex DiBranco, executive director of the Institute for Research on Male Supremacism. Alex breaks down for us: What is male supremacism? What is its relationship to other supremacist ideologies and movements? And how…

  • Lessons from Bay Area Radical Abortion Defense

    Abortion defenders and activists showed Angela Hume the inherent contradiction in the anti-abortion movement: it purports to protect women while actively harming them. Hume coins the term “violent care” to explain this contradiction and points to…