Displaying 61 - 80 of 1147 results
  • Enduring the End of Roe and Thwarting an Accelerated Push Toward Authoritarianism

    For much longer than 50 years, individuals who should be free have been made to endure the cruelty of courts. On June 24, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that for now, bodily autonomy is not a protected freedom, instead giving states greater…

  • Who These are the sectors of the Right setting the cultural context and organizing against LGBTQ people, rights, and equality. Christian Right Christian Right advocacy organizations like the Alliance Defending Freedom, the Heritage…

  • Last Weekend's Vicious Episode in Dallas Wasn't Isolated — It was Part of a Coordinated Far-Right Assault

    On Saturday morning in the Dallas “gayborhood” of Cedar Springs, an LGBTQ bar called Mr. Misster hosted a family-friendly “drag queen brunch” advertised with the tongue-in-cheek slogan, “Drag Your Kids to Pride.” The event was …

  • Activist arm of right-wing Catholic outlet Church Militant is increasingly entwined with racist "groyper" movement

    The activist wing of Church Militant is called the Resistance network. As of 2020 the outlet said it boasted more than 5,000 members, and claimed to have…

  • Nick Fuentes' racist "groyper" movement is building a coalition with far-right Catholics. They have a plan

    Last Sunday, as pro-choice supporters reacted to the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion that will likely overturn Roe v. Wade, a series of videos shot in lower Manhattan went viral. In one, a group of young men stood before an arched wooden doorway…

  • On the night of November 3, 2020, as results from that day’s presidential election began pouring in, White nationalist Nick Fuentes held an election-night livestream event with other leaders of his America First/groyper movement. The assembled White…

  • As Australia’s first Pentecostal Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, perhaps could not help but notice, the events of his first years in office had biblical connotations. “Floods. Fires. Drought. Pandemic. Mouse plague,” Morrison recently quipped to his…

  • On Saturday, May 14, 2022, ten people were murdered and three more wounded by an 18-year-old White man—kitted out in the all-too-familiar uniform of paramilitary tactical gear and semiautomatic military-style rifle—who violently targeted a busy Tops…

  • 2020 Was an Extraordinary Year

    An Excerpt from the book Power Concedes Nothing, edited by Linda Burnham, Max Elbaum, and María Poblet

  • After leaving behind her career on the Far Right, it only made sense for Katie McHugh to turn over emails from her former bosses, colleagues, and boyfriend. McHugh had been an Alt Right favorite, an editor at Breitbart News who helped funnel far-…

  • How American Evangelicals Helped Make Putin’s Russia and How Russia Became the Darling of the American Right

    If someone from 1965 were to arrive in a time machine, there’s likely much about our current state of affairs that would shock them. But I cannot imagine anything that would be more confusing than the love affair between the U.S. Right and Russia—…

  • Fights over Racism Highlight Southern Baptist Divide

    It was late May, but Denny Burk’s mind was on June.[1] A professor of biblical studies at Boyce College in Kentucky and an associate pastor at Kenwood Baptist Church—both institutions affiliated with the…

  • Author Q&A with Reece Jones

    Over the past 30 years, the U.S. Southern border has become an increasingly volatile political force. Trump built his political identity on demonizing immigrants and promoting spectacles of border fortification: the promise of a wall, expansive…

  • How “Countering Violent Extremism” Groups Elevate “Former” White Nationalists

    In April 2020, Matthew Heimbach, founder and long-time leader of the neonazi Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP), announced he had left White nationalism behind in an article he wrote for the “countering violent extremism” organization Light Upon…

  • Executive Summary In the United States, the Internal Revenue Service confers tax-exempt status to charitable organizations, allowing them to receive tax-deductible donations. Most donors would assume that an organization that targets…

  • A January 6th Roundtable Discussion

    In a January 6 PRA briefing, panelists convened to situate January 6th in a longer trajectory of ongoing insurrection and answer the questions that are foremost on our minds. What do we do if we keep losing? What are some of the most significant…

  • Coverage of the Far Right is often shortsighted, particularly in the U.S. When the Alt Right emerged into public view in 2015, there was a sense of shock as few understood how it had seemed to metastasize so quickly and without precedent. The Unite…

  • From Free Markets to Freedom Square

    During an October 2021 “Freedom Night in America” event at Dream City Church, a megachurch in Phoenix, Arizona, Charlie Kirk, founder and president of Turning Point USA (TPUSA), talked about Vermont as a new frontier for organizing—and evangelizing—…

  • One year after the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, PRA hosted a briefing where we provided an overview of convergent forces, how we got to where we are, where we might be headed, and what we can do to defend democracy and promote justice. We…

  • An open White nationalist leader within the America First/groyper movement, best known within the movement as Jake Lloyd, appears to be currently serving as deputy communications director for far-right Texas gubernatorial candidate Don Huffines.…