Displaying 481 - 500 of 1136 results
  • This interview with PRA founder Jean Hardisty was published in our Fall/Winter 2011 newsletter, celebrating PRA’s 30th anniversary. It is republished here in honor of Jean, who passed away in March

  • Last November, Colorado voters rejected a constitutional amendment that would have defined personhood as inclusive of fetuses. This victory for reproductive rights, however, was won amid a slew of attacks on Coloradans’ reproductive freedom. Now,…

  • Sexual minorities are not pleading for special rights or benefits. They are just seeking to take their own family’s rightful place at the table, free from fear or persecution. It is this family value that we must all protect, defend and uphold—for…

  • Cryptofascists and pro-White separatists are attempting to make inroads into progressive political and counter-cultural circles.

  • The HR Association Lobbying & Suing to Roll Back Worker Rights

    Human Resources doesn’t usually conjure up images of adversarial political activism. Yet contrary to its politically neutral image, the innocuously-named Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM, pronounced “sherm”) campaigns for public…

  • The The Christian Right’s narrative that mainline church membership is declining primarily because of differences over things like marriage equality unravels when subjected to scrutiny. One of the primary reasons for the departures is a sustained…

  • The real result of the anti-abortion movement — if not the intended goal — is to punish women for terminating pregnancies.

  • In honor of PRA’s late founder Jean Hardisty, please enjoy this article originally published by the Women’s Theological Center (now known as Women Transforming Communities) in March 1996, as part of The Brown Paper series.

  • Was the non-discrimination/religious freedom law in Utah really the “historic compromise” it’s being touted as, or a Trojan Horse for the Religious Right’s agenda? There now seems to be little doubt with the discovery that one of the law’s authors…

  • There were both cheers and tears as many in the Utah LGBTQ community celebrated the passage of a workplace and housing nondiscrimination law in the conservative Utah legislature. But behind closed doors, I suspect it’s actually the leaders of…

  • Christian Right leaders have long helped business leaders whittle away at the economic freedoms granted to working Americans since the New Deal.

  • It is with a heavy heart that we share the news that PRA’s founder and President Emerita, Jean V. Hardisty, passed away early Monday morning. Jean was a force in the lives of all who knew her. A visionary, she anticipated many of the political and…

  • An international network of some of the world’s most vitriolic Religious Right activists and self-proclaimed orthodox religious leaders is holding its ninth global conference in Salt Lake City, Utah in October 2015. The World Congress of Families’ (…

  • The Religious Right’s Campaign to Deregulate Campaign Finance Law

    Five years ago, the Citizens United decision struck a major blow to the integrity of the American electoral system. Now, the Religious Right is seeking to make their own breakthrough — a free-flow of campaign dollars to candidates through tax-exempt…

  • Crypto-fascists and pro-White separatists are entering and recruiting from progressive circles. This essay offers some guidelines for identifying and dealing with this growing problem.

  • The majority of pro-Israel Americans aren’t Jewish. In fact, many of them could even be described as anti-Jewish.

  • Despite the fact that the majority of Americans — and an even greater majority of elected officials — identify as Christian, the mantra of “Christian persecution” is gaining traction around the country.

  • Many leaders of the Christian Right, from megachurch pastors like Rick Warren to the top prelates in the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, have repeatedly threatened civil disobedience (and worse) over marriage equality. If they follow through…

  • The Politics of Secession, Nullification, and Marriage Equality

    Groups and individuals involved in the wider movements of the Christian Right and contemporary libertarianism, on which PRA has reported over the past two years, have advocated varying degrees of nullification and secession; and have envisioned vary…

  • Walmart’s Latest PR Stunt to Change its Anti-Worker Image While Resisting Regulation

    Depending on whom you ask, up to half a million Walmart associates got a raise yesterday. The raise was won for them by a brave rebel alliance of hundreds of Walmart workers who are interested in the continued survival of Walmart workers. Calling…