Displaying 181 - 200 of 1147 results
  • The Family Research Council (FRC), a leading organization of the Christian Right has long featured Christian nationalist ideology in its materials and events ­­­­— including speakers at its annual political conference, the Values Voter Summit. But…

  • Conservative Jewish Magazine Features Uncensored White Nationalism

    On June 11, the American Jewish publication Tablet published a lengthy interview with Kevin MacDonald, a White nationalist and antisemite whose voluminous writings on Jews have shaped the movement responsible…

  • An Activist Field Guide to the Far Right

    Why this Guide Since the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police, PRA has documented more than 150 incidents of armed far-right actors showing up at racial justice protests. They have threatened and harassed racial justice…

  • The murder of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, by Minneapolis police on May 25, 2020 marked the beginning of a dramatic surge in racial justice and politics accountability protests. The Black Lives Matter movement that was at the heart of those…

  • The Aftermath in Chemnitz

    The sun was high and the air thick with a weighted August heat as we sat down for lunch at Schmetterling, a Persian restaurant in the heart of Chemnitz, Germany. Anne Gersch, a staff member of Courage, a project that facilitates anti-discrimination…

  • While the State of Connecticut inches past 40,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19, the anti-transgender Evangelical right-wing litigation machine presses onward. In mid-May, the anti-LGBT group …

  • In response to the murder of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, by Minneapolis police, racial justice groups have mobilized tens of thousands of protestors to take to the streets and demand justice nationwide. Local and State officials have…

  • In May 2019, a young man in Indiana was sentenced to three years in federal prison for a hate crime. Nolan Brewer, along with his then-17-year-old wife, Kiyomi Brewer, spray-painted a Nazi flag on a garbage shed at a Carmel, Indiana, synagogue and…

  • ReOpen Protestors Turn to Constitutional Sheriffs to Defy State Policies

    In May 2020, a leader of the recent wave of anti-Lockdown protests against government issued Covid-19 directives and ReOpen America founder, Suzzanne Monk,…

  • Antisemitism and Anti-China Nationalism In the Era of Coronavirus

    As the coronavirus crisis deepens, voices across the Right are mobilizing a politics of resentment to distract from the Trump administration’s botched response, and to advance an exclusionary nationalist agenda. Their antagonist is China and their…

  • Understanding the Christian Homeschooling Movement

    As we speculate about the ways that our world will be different when we emerge from the global COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important to keep…

  • Resisting Disaster Authoritarianism, Building Multiracial Feminist Democracy

    The COVID-19 crisis has exposed the inadequacy of our public health and emergency response infrastructure, leaving the heaviest burdens of our distress to fall unevenly, but predictably, along fault lines of race, class, gender, and disability while…

  • On March 30, in response to the COVID-19 crisis, Hungary’s parliament passed a law allowing the nationalist government to rule…

  • On March 20, Ohio became the first state to use the COVID-19 crisis as an excuse to ban abortions, with the state’s attorney general calling pregnancy terminations “non-essential” health services.1 After Ohio opened that door, anti-choice…

  • Political Research Associates has closed its office and staff are working from home to participate in the global social-distancing effort to protect our communities’ most vulnerable members. Balancing the demands of the public and private spheres,…

  • Be Aware of Outreach by Evangelical Homeschooling Organizations

    With so many schools closed across the country and so many parents working from home to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus, families are desperate for resources. In response, homeschool organizations like the conservative evangelical-affiliated…

  • Samaritan’s Purse Brings Its Dual Agenda to New York

    As New York City passes the grim milestone of 1,100 deaths, the city’s battle against the COVID-19…

  • The fight against so-called “gender ideology” has well and truly arrived here in the United States, not only in venues like the United Nation’s Commission on the Status of Women—a common marketplace for anti-LGBTQ and anti-abortion ideology—but in…

  • On February 19, a 43-year-old man shot and killed eleven people, including himself, in Hanau, Germany, a small city some 15 miles east of Frankfurt. The victims are Ferhat Unvar, Gökhan Gültekin, Hamza Kurtović, Said Nessar El Hashemi, Mercedes…

  • On February 10, 2020 seven Republican representatives in Mississippi introduced a first-of-its-kind bill that raises the possibility of a so-called Second Amendment Sanctuary region stretching…